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One moment, one idea, one speech can profoundly shape the future, which is why I bring to you…
The Power to Stand
A powerful speech needs a strong introduction. Please request and familiarize yourself with Chris’s latest introduction.
Pre-Event Questionnaire
Please take a few moments to complete the following questionnaire. Your answers will help us create the best experience possible for our audience.
Every person and organization will face adversity, uncertainty, and change. Despite being knocked down, the successful ones find The Power to Stand. They are resilient and learn how to respond and adapt. Chris knows what it’s like to face difficult challenges after suffering a spinal cord injury playing college football. He was given a 3% to ever move anything below the neck. He defied those odds by not only standing but walking across his college graduation stage and years later down the aisle of his wedding. These viral walks have inspired over 400 million people worldwide. Chris has been featured in the news countless times by the largest media outlets in the world. He is a keynote speaker, author, foster & adoptive dad, and featured in the popular documentary 7 Yards: The Chris Norton Story.
Chris calls us to recognize the great power within us all.
The Power To Stand
Room and Audio-Visual Requirements
Even the greatest speech can be viewed as ineffective when the room set-up is not optimal. To help ensure that Chris’s program meets your expectations, please review the A/V requests below and let us know if there are any challenges. Chris is flexible and will work with your A/V capabilities and your technicians to maximize the effectiveness of your platform.
- Microphone Preference: Wireless headset (not ear set) Countryman microphone. If this is not available, please have a wireless lavaliere or lapel microphone.
- The microphone needs to connect to the room’s speaker system or independent audio equipment.
- Speakers located in front and also behind the audience is recommended.
- Please test all audio & visual equipment prior to Chris’s arrival.
- Chris will use slides, music, and videos during his presentation. Please have an LCD projector available and a clicker.
- If there is WiFi please provide the login and password.
- Chris will email slides ahead of time via Dropbox. For backup, we will have a flash drive with the presentation.
- For keynote speeches, remove or set aside podiums or other large objects that will limit Chris’s ability to move about the stage or will block Chris from view.
- Please have a raised platform or stage with wheelchair access. This stage should provide the audience an unobstructed view of Chris during his presentation.
Room Environment
- A bright stage will help keep audience focus at the front of the room. Chris will utilize the entire stage area and will stay toward the front edge. If the room has any spotlights, please aim them for a general wash of the front of the stage.
- People are more alert in brightness. Dim the lighting on the screens but keep the house lights up.
- Please do not over seat the room. If you are planning on presenting to 500 people, set chairs for only 500 (or even fewer). This will force the audience to fill all of the seats, including the front row.
- The front row should be no further than 10 ft. from the stage.
- It is requested that the chairs in the room are staggered, instead of directly behind each other. This will offer a better view to the audience members.
- Using a dark backdrop on the stage will help accentuate the presenter during the event.
- Please provide a table in the back of the room for Chris to sell his books after his talk if appropriate.
For questions or concerns please contact Brooks Wagner,