2 Ways to Attract Others

3 years ago on April 21st I was able to marry my P.I.C. – Partner In Crime- & love of my life Emily ❤️

She has literally & figuratively picked me up so many times when I didn’t have the strength. She has stretched me out of my comfort zone and showed me how much we can accomplish as a team. Just look at our family, wow! 7 kids 1 dog 👶🏾👧👦🏾👧👧👧👩‍🦳🐶

We were never meant to do life alone. We need someone who will encourage us when we can’t find the courage on our own. There’s a good chance you have been hurt by a relationship or you have hurt someone else. Maybe you are guarded or intentionally isolate yourself from others. I understand why you would be discouraged but don’t let your past hurts stop you from a bright future. What you choose to do today and tomorrow is more important than what happened in the past. 

When you are by yourself and isolated puts you at a greater risk to listen to the lies you might tell yourself. That you who you are is not enough. Well you are enough. Being around good people will help reveal how special you are. 

What’s helped me to first find love and stay in love is:

  1. Love God 
  2. Love Myself

When you have a relationship with God helps you to remember how special and valuable you are. You are wonderfully and perfectly made. 

If you don’t value yourself then it will be difficult to love & value your partner the way they deserve. When you’re full of love it overflows to others. And if you are full of hate that will spill over too. There’s nothing more attractive than a kind and loving person with great self-esteem. Loving yourself means viewing your life the way God sees it, His masterpiece.




P.S. It’s pretty amazing our special day is now special to so many people due to our documentary 7 Yards now on Netflix, AppleTV, Amazon Prime— among many others.