Staying Productive & Present With My 85 | 10 | 5 Rule

The key is consistency—small steps forward truly do compound over time into incredible progress. ​

Hey Friend!

Do goals ever feel so intimidating that you become overwhelmed and unfocused? I certainly struggle with that from time to time. The distance left to cover starts feeling impossibly far. 

When I catch myself worrying excessively about the past or future, anxiety creeps in and forward momentum stalls. To combat this common problem and stay productive, I devised a simple tool I call the 85 | 10 | 5 rule.

In a nutshell, it works like this: 

– 85% of mental energy goes toward the present 
– 10% visualizes & plans the future  
– 5% reflects on and learns from the past

By staying grounded with the majority of my attention on the task at hand, I ward off distractions and keep making progress. The 10% future visualization both inspires my vision while also helping me plan next steps. And brief past reflection supplies wisdom to inform better decisions now. 

This ratio intentionally balances being present with proactive goal achievement. It keeps my mindset optimal to handle overwhelm and continue advancing, one step at a time. 

I don’t strictly monitor 85/10/5 every single minute. It’s more a general guideline to make sure I don’t over-worry about the past or future when the real productivity happens now. Give it a try next time you start feeling anxious or stalled!

The key is consistency—small steps forward truly do compound over time into incredible progress. As long as I keep taking the next step, I know the summit will steadily grow closer.

Your friend,


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