5 Ways to Elevate Your Mood

As a motivational speaker it’s my job to practice optimism. Thankfully by nature, I’m a pretty happy-go-lucky guy. But that doesn’t mean I don’t suffer from down days fueled by…

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Just Keep Going. A Thanksgiving Day Miracle

Hi Friend, Ahh waiting is the worst. Waiting in line, waiting for the right partner, waiting for the pandemic to be over, and the list goes on. 10 years ago…

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Zoom Out for a Better Perspective

Hi Friend, I’ll never forget the day my dad bought his first legit camera. It was 2001. He wasn’t a professional. He wanted to take good photos of the majestic…

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The Most Important Decision of 2020

The most important decision you will make this year has nothing to do with who you are voting for in the election 😲. Let me be clear voting is very…

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One Easy Way to Boost Happiness

Hi Friend, I am a fast eater. I don’t waste a second when I have a good meal or treat in front of me. However, due to a new discovery…

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Facing Grief, Again

Have you ever sat on the beach in the sand to let the waves wash over you? It’s peaceful (minus the sand that gets in your swimsuit) until a huge…

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Do you hate waiting for this as much as I do?

Do you ever feel like you aren’t progressing? You are putting in the work but don’t have much to show for it. That’s how I feel at times and it’s…

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Surprising New Way to Boost Morale

Over the years I have done over 100 live presentations for conferences, organizations, churches, and schools. Not surprisingly, these past few months I have made the transition to virtual presentations…

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It’s Ok to Fold

I love playing poker, specifically Texas Hold-Em. Like life, with poker it’s not just about the hand you are dealt but how you play the hand. One of the hardest…

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