3 Holiday Survival Tips

It’s the most wonderful time of the year🎄 fueled by overspending, hanging out with people perhaps you don’t want to hang out with 😆, and receiving gifts you don’t want or need. Regardless, the holidays should be such a fun and exciting season. Let’s not just survive the holidays but thrive through it!

I’m sure you will be spending extra time with family and friends that you may not see very often. Anytime you get a group of people together you will certainly have varying opinions and beliefs, and perhaps big personalities. If you’re not careful, the time spent together can be frustrating and toxic 🤮 instead of enjoyable. Don’t let this time go to waste. Here are 3 things I always do to maintain my peace, and especially over the holidays🎁.

  1. Avoid controversial topics like politics. If a topic with lots of tension is brought up, change subjects. If you can’t change it then discuss with curiosity and not conviction. Avoid absolutes like always or never. Strive to be indifferent. I remind myself I don’t know everything, I could be wrong, we all have different experiences and perspectives, and that’s OK. I don’t need to know everything. I certainly don’t need or expect everyone to agree with my opinion either. I will agree to disagree. I try to listen to understand and not to argue. The mistake I see people make is fighting so hard not to be wrong or for everyone to agree to their opinion. Don’t be that person. This is a great way to lose your peace of mind. 


  1. Attitude of Gratitude. Be grateful and appreciative of everything you have and who you have. You can still love and appreciate people who may annoy you. It’s easy to go down a path of wishing for things to be better or comparing to what others have. Get off your phone and off social media. Enjoy the moment and be grateful for this time together. 


  1. Manage expectations. Don’t over plan. If you go into the holidays expecting everything to go perfectly well you’ll be disappointed. I hate to say it but something will go wrong. Be flexible and open minded. We want it to be the most wonderful time of the year and this idea can cause unrealistic expectations and pressure to do extravagant things. There are too many forces out of our control. Kids will be crying, someone will be grumpy, and the weather will ruin plans. Nothing wrong with a lazy day full of movies and games.


These things are all what I try to do, emphasis on the try. What are some ways that you do to protect your peace? 


Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays, 

