Category: Blog

How to Enrich Your Life

Adopt this Lesson to be Resilient🥊

How to Create More Urgency

This is how you endure the most challenging of times

Celebrate Your Wins

Character Really Counts
I’m so pumped!!! My documentary film 7 Yards now has an entire lesson plan built around it by Character Counts to develop character skills!
I remember as a student going to monthly Character Counts assemblies where speakers would discuss one of the 6 Pillars of character: Trustworthiness, Respect, Responsibility, Fairness, Caring, and Citizenship. However, if the lesson wasn’t anchored to a compelling story or presented by an entertaining speaker, I can remember my eyes glazing over. You don’t even have to be a kid to tune out a boring session from a presenter or have your mind wandering during some continued education opportunity.
Topics like character are too important to miss out on. It is more valuable than science or math in my opinion. It’s my hope to raise kids with great integrity, morals, and values; not just to have high test scores (which I would love that too). That’s why it’s important to keep learning opportunities as fun and engaging as possible.
With these new resources based off my film 7 Yards, students will now have access to a curriculum that is compelling and advances student character skills. Students will be able to watch the film in class then have the lessons of what helped get me through my toughest times.This guided lesson plan will unpack how I was able to remain resilient, achieve my goals, and overcome my challenges.
Be sure to let teachers, school administrators, and your kid’s school district know about this resource!

Formula for Human Greatness
German philosopher, Friedrich Nietzsche, said the formula for human greatness is Amor Fati, which in Latin means “love of fate”. It is a mindset that he stated, “That one wants nothing to be different, not forward, not backwards, not in all eternity. Not merely bear what is necessary, still less conceal it….but love it.” In other words, loving your circumstances even if it’s not what you had hoped for.
Another way Nietzsche defines it, “I am in a mood of fatalistic ‘surrender to God’ ⎯ I call it amor fati, so much so, that I would be willing to rush into a lion’s jaws’.”
What an incredibly difficult task to love fate. To not wish things happened differently but accept and embrace exactly how things have unfolded. To not regret and lament on past errors. To Hope things would’ve happened differently is a huge waste of time and causes mental anguish.
With the adversity and problems all of us face in our lives, at times it is hard to accept. I believe Nietzsche challenges us to love fate in order for us to see the positives, the benefits not expected as a result of those challenges, and to not dwell on past mistakes. It’s not always clear, evident, or easy but if you can extract every possible benefit you can from any life event you will be as resilient as they come. You will discover peace despite difficult circumstances. To do this you need an attitude of amor fati.
Amor fati is a mindset to help you make the most out of any situation. It will help you direct your focus away from the loss, pain and suffering towards the areas that can have a real impact or purpose. As challenging as this attitude may seem, just think of the opposite attitude, a hate of fate. You are guaranteed a life of misery with that attitude.
I have seen amor fati play out in my life in many different ways. Instead of spending my time wishing things were different I created a foundation to try to make a difference. It has given me a purpose. Our annual fundraiser is February 12th so better buy your ticket quickly! Also, when most people focus on what I have lost as a result of my injury I choose to see my fantastic wheelchair perks!
- No standing in long lines. My legs will never get tired. 🤷♂️
- I always have a seat for every ballgame or picnic. 🦽
- I’m less likely to be kidnapped. Good luck getting me in a vehicle or basement. 🙅♂️
- Front row parking. There’s a lot of competition in Florida though. ♿️
- Can never lose a game of musical chairs. 🧑🦽
We can always find something to appreciate about our life as long as we have the will to see it. Hardships will happen and while the good may never outweigh the bad we can do our best to not simply embrace it but love it. Use amor fati to protect you from the many casualties of life.

My 4 Tips to Finish Your Resolutions
What I love about New Year’s is that it feels like the start of a new chapter in your life. Out with the old and in with the new. With all new beginnings there’s excitement and plenty of motivation. I think of it like the start of the outdoor 10K I ran as a kid. Thousands of people are tightly packed as close to the starting line as possible. Heart is pumping, you’re full of adrenaline. The 1st mile you feel great but as the race continues the excitement disappears as you fatigue. You start thinking Why did I sign up for this?
It’s the same when you set out to accomplish a goal. The trick is continuing on that same pursuit as the excitement dwindles and your motivation fatigues. Here are 4 tips to help you continue on your race to accomplish your goals for 2022.
- Avoid perfection. If you wanted to workout 4X a week but next week you only get 2 workouts in then so be it! Go for 4X the following week. Don’t quit on your goal just because you came up short or gave into temptation on an off day. I think too many people make goals to be all or nothing. Give yourself wiggle room for failing. Get back on the horse and keep moving forward.
- Boost your willpower by eliminating temptation. It’s so much easier to say no to something that’s not there or visible. I think I have a pretty good amount of willpower but when there’s junk food or unhealthy snacks in the house I’m eating them at some point. If a social media app is on my home screen of my phone I’m going to click on it. Therefore, I don’t buy junk food for the house and have moved Twitter off my home screen. It has helped!
- Break your goal down to daily tasks. You have a vision of where you want to go like losing weight or making more money but think through how you can inch closer each day. Create a daily process. What are the individual tasks you can check off the box today? At what time will this be done?
- Share your goal with a few close friends or family. It will help you stick with the goal to avoid the feeling of shame when they check on your progress later on. Better yet, make it a competition with one of them who also has a goal. Put some money on the line to create an incentive and consequence for not following through.
I hope that helps! Let me know your favorite advice for sticking with goals.
Take care,

3 Holiday Survival Tips
It’s the most wonderful time of the year🎄 fueled by overspending, hanging out with people perhaps you don’t want to hang out with 😆, and receiving gifts you don’t want or need. Regardless, the holidays should be such a fun and exciting season. Let’s not just survive the holidays but thrive through it!
I’m sure you will be spending extra time with family and friends that you may not see very often. Anytime you get a group of people together you will certainly have varying opinions and beliefs, and perhaps big personalities. If you’re not careful, the time spent together can be frustrating and toxic 🤮 instead of enjoyable. Don’t let this time go to waste. Here are 3 things I always do to maintain my peace, and especially over the holidays🎁.
Avoid controversial topics like politics. If a topic with lots of tension is brought up, change subjects. If you can’t change it then discuss with curiosity and not conviction. Avoid absolutes like always or never. Strive to be indifferent. I remind myself I don’t know everything, I could be wrong, we all have different experiences and perspectives, and that’s OK. I don’t need to know everything. I certainly don’t need or expect everyone to agree with my opinion either. I will agree to disagree. I try to listen to understand and not to argue. The mistake I see people make is fighting so hard not to be wrong or for everyone to agree to their opinion. Don’t be that person. This is a great way to lose your peace of mind.
Attitude of Gratitude. Be grateful and appreciative of everything you have and who you have. You can still love and appreciate people who may annoy you. It’s easy to go down a path of wishing for things to be better or comparing to what others have. Get off your phone and off social media. Enjoy the moment and be grateful for this time together.
Manage expectations. Don’t over plan. If you go into the holidays expecting everything to go perfectly well you’ll be disappointed. I hate to say it but something will go wrong. Be flexible and open minded. We want it to be the most wonderful time of the year and this idea can cause unrealistic expectations and pressure to do extravagant things. There are too many forces out of our control. Kids will be crying, someone will be grumpy, and the weather will ruin plans. Nothing wrong with a lazy day full of movies and games.
These things are all what I try to do, emphasis on the try. What are some ways that you do to protect your peace?
Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays,